
Scripture:    Luke 10:38-40

38 Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered village. And woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving.

It is so easy to be distracted by what needs to be done. We all lead busy lives, if you ask someone how their day or week has been they will nearly always reply with how busy they have been.

I am so easily distracted with the things of the world around me -phones, people, tv, work, to- do lists, emails etc etc.

In verse 42 Jesus goes onto to tell Martha but one thing is necessary.” That one thing is focusing on Him, not on the dishes or the state of the house for a special guest, or what needs to be done. This is so hard because we judge people by how busy they are or what they achieve, so that the expectation is that we need to be busy. Mary sat at Jesus’s feet listening to His words while Martha was in the kitchen crashing, bashing and complaining about the help she was getting. Did it bother Mary, no way and that is my goal to sit and listen without any distractions about what God is saying to me.


Other Reading

  • John6:27
  • Psalm 27:4


Lord I want to sit at your feet and just listen and not be distracted by the things going around me. Help me to keep my eyes on you especially when there are many distractions around me. Lord show me the distractions for what they are and guide me in dismissing them away from my life. Not to deny their existence but not to be anxious about them and to cast them off in the belief that you have them in control. Amen

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